
Saturday August 22nd, 2009


Wonder is simply wonderful (what about that for a formal name? "SIMPLY WONDERFUL," call name "Wonder") except for a slightly teary left eye. I have started adding vitamin C to his grain in hopes it will give him a little extra help fighting off whatever is going on but am ready to call the vet if it doesn't improve. Keep your fingers crossed.
Today, we once again dragged the 14-foot line in the riding ring, just to be sure his past performance wasn't a fluke. Once again, perfection and then some. I couldn't have asked for more at this stage of the game. Traak, my senior German Shepherd came in to the ring for a meet and greet and Wonder went right on over to visit. I love his inquisitive nature!

After allowing him to stretch his legs, we had a small leading lesson both in the outdoor ring and up the driveway back to the barn. Although Wonder was receptive to being lead on both sides, he seems much more familiar with being on the right. I was always taught to lead with the horse on my right but have since learned the value of an adaptable, adjustable horse who can be lead from either side and am determined he be equally comfortable on either side.

To switch Wonder from side to side, I randomly yielded his hindquarters as we walked with gentle hand pressure and had him switch sides. He was great and caught on very quickly,once again exceeding my expectations.

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